Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spirit Walker - Supplies

So anyway, the main reason i wanted to make this blog was to recreate the famous "Stilt Beast".
Original Stilt Beasts
I originally saw a gif on tumblr of this terrifying and mystifying creature and i was inspired. I also encountered another blog on here with a girl's triumphs of making an awesome replica, but unfortunately some information is missing or incomplete. Here i wanted to make a blog with a walk through of how we made ours. Oh, and we like the name "Spirit Walkers" so that's what we'll refer to them as.

So here we go!!

XL crutches! These crutches, designed for people who are 6'7" work perfectly. We extended them to their maximum length. These were about $30.

18"-30" Drywall Stilts by YescomUSA. We found these on eBay for $85 with free shipping and handling. Unfortunately they only came partially assembled so we had to put them together. We kept their height at 18". We felt that if we made them any higher, it would be uncomfortable for the wearer.

3. Black Duct Tape - $3
4. Black Spray Paint - $1 @ Wal-Mart
5. Lots of Creepy Fabric and old shirts. Creepy fabric can be found for like $1 at Wal-Mart.

6. Newspapers
7. Stapler and staples.
8. One creepy, blank, theatrical mask.

These are just some of the supplies that we know we are going to use. We might add more, but not too many. I know that my friend who is helping me build this is suggesting that we use a type of paper maché to help provide durability to the costume. So I will let you know the details of that.

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