Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spirit Walker - Step 1 - Arm Assembly

Now, with what I've been seeing on the web is a lot of people building the arms using foam, chicken wire, hot glue, gorilla glue, gorilla tape, and other stuff that seems expensive and unnecessary.
We used newspaper and duct tape.

Here we sculpted the arm and created a cone-like shape going up the crutch.
We would then get a long, thin strip of duct tape and tighten areas to give definition of a calf muscle. Just so that the arm doesn't look totally plain.
To help keep the shape of this cone, we jammed old grocery bags into it to help keep its shape.

 Here we have Nicole, my assistant, trying out the stilts and the one completed arm. We would constantly have her get into the position so that we can see what needs to be adjusted. As you can see, the arm's height needs to be increased.

We obviously then repeated this with the other arm.
Here's a picture of our arms. Here you see the back piece we started. Which I will discuss on the next post, but disregard that. The main focus is you can see how the arms look.

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